Bollywood's janbaaz actor-turned producer, director Feroz Khan, who was diagnosed with cancer a year ago, took his last breath on Sunday night after battling long for life. His funeral will take place later in the day in his birth town Bangalore .
The 69-year-old veteran actor is survived by two children actor-son Fardeen Khan and fashion designer-daughter Laila Khan.
Feroz Khan was diagnosed with cancer and was admitted to a renowned hospital in Mumbai for a long time; however, doctors had later discharged him. He was living in his farmhouse in Bangalore . At his last time his near and dear ones, son, daughter and other relatives, were closed to him.
Feroz Khan was born on September 25, 1939 to a Pathan father Sadiq Ali Khan and an Iranian mother Fatima. He is survived by three brothers: actors Sanjay and Akbar and filmmaker Sameer Khan.
His silver screen appearance took place in 1960 with Hindi film Didi. The movie did not succeed at the box office. But five years later in 1965, Oonche Log earned him both name and fame. In the same year, his musical movie Aarzoo where he played a sacrificing lover was greatly endorsed by the audiences. His career best blockbuster, however, was Qurbani opposite Zeenat Aman. He got married to Sundari in 1965.
In 1969, Feroz won the first filmfare award as the 'Best Actor in a Supporting Role' for his outstanding performance in 'Aadmi aur Insaan' . He was honoured with the lifetime achievement award in 2000.
His other noteworthy movies as an actor were Main Wohi Hoon, Aag, Mela, Upasna, Apradh , and as an actor-producer-director were Dharmatma, Qurbani, Jaanbaaz, Yalgaar and Dayavan . His first movie as a producer and director was Dharmatma .
In most of his movies he played the character with his favourite name Rajesh or Rakesh. He liked the sport car races and included this sport in his movies first in Apradh and later in Janasheen .
He introduced his son Fardeen Khan as an actor in his own produced and directed Prem Agan in 1998. Five years later in 2003, he again gave the lead character to his son in Janasheen opposite hot babe Celina Jaitley, who made her debut. The last movie in which he acted was Welcome (2007).
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