The reports of Kangana Ranaut going absolute nude in a Telugu film is currently a pot-boiling issue. The news to a great extent is considered correct as Kangana in most of her films seen doing cozy scenes with ease and has also freely exposed body in revealing clothes. But the sultry actress denied of taking off her clothes in the Telugu film to be directed by Puri Jagannath.
The news enraged Kangana, she angrily commented, "Nude? I'd never do a nude scene in my entire life even if someone makes me to do it at gun point. I come from a very conservative background. If my parents were to ever see that I've crossed the line of morality, they'd drag me back to Himachal. Yes, I've done aesthetically-shot pictures which reveal my physique. And why not? I've worked really hard on getting my body muscular and toned."
But nudes? "No way. I've never posed in the nude, never will, no matter how right the zeroes on the cheque are. I've an inbuilt censor code."
She further divulged the fact about ‘Raaz 2’, "Even the much-hyped 'nude' scene in Raaz 2 was a hoax. I wore a body suit in the bath tub. I don't think taking off all of one's clothes is a cool thing to do."
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