Akshay Kumar and Deepika Padukone attended the music release of their forthcoming film Chandini Chowk to China. This is the first time, that both the actors will be seen together in a film. The two are said to have amazing onscreen chemistry, so will they be the next sizzling onscreen couple? Will the Deepika-Akki jodi replace the Katrina-Akki onscreen chemistry? Twinkle, Akki's wife is no doubt already fretting!
Deepika Padukone had donned a simple black long dress which had her covered from neck to ankle at the music launch of Chandini Chowk to China. This is one gal who doesn't believe that skin show is necessary to make a film successful...so all the bikini babes, Priyanka, Kareena, Bips need to take a lesson from her. Deepika is one lucky gal, she debuted opp King Khan, did her second film with beau Ranbir Kapoor and now she will soon be seen with Akshay...this girl is definitely going places...looks like SRK's good luck rubbed off on her too.
Akshay Kumar's films have had more success at the box-office than the Khans, he has managed to dish out hit after hit. And his good luck seems to often rub off on his co-stars in his films, like Katrina and Priyanka. So no doubt Deepika is hoping that Akki's good luck will rub off on her too. Sources claim that the film is partly based on Akki's real life story before he became an actor, so will this real life inspired story bring Akki more success in his real life?
Akki is known to recommend his co-stars to directors like he did with Katrina and Priyanka. So will he soon be recommending Deepika's name? Deepika has been seeing hearthrob Ranbir Kapoor. So we wonder if Ranbir is jealous that Deepika has been paired with some of the hottest and biggest names in the industry, we doubt it! as he too recently got to indulge in kissing one of the hottest babes in bollywood, Bipasha Basu. Well for now, these two are too busy with their careers.
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